Friday, December 13, 2019

Group Speech Free Essays

Today we would like to talk you about finding a more a healthier you. First I will start off with discussing the physical fitness aspect. (Khrys) Next I will be discussing the basic guidelines for eating healthy. We will write a custom essay sample on Group Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Corey) Thirdly, I shall discuss how to reduce and cope with everyday stress. (Derek) Lastly, I will explain to you the affects that drugs have on your well being. Body First (Ken)Everyone wants a nice body. As men we want to look like those bodybuilders with the veins sticking out and biceps as big as a basketball.And women, they dream of having the perfect hourglass figure like the models in Victoria’s Secret commercials. Pretty much its those who seem to live at the gym. 1. Edward Laskowski from mayo clinic in Rochester Minn. says, â€Å"A lot of people lives start with, 1) you get a bit fat, 2) start to hate the way you look, 3) hit the gym with vengeance, 4) start to look noticeably better, 5) loose motivation and stop working out for a few weeks, and last start all over again. As shown many feel that exercising makes them tired. For most people the feeling of sweat and fatigue is just not natural.Though it is proven that exercising boosts your energy level. Exercising and increasing the heart rate helps carry vital nutrients and oxygen to tissues in the body. 1. Cardio workouts help increase your heart rate. The increase in rate helps blood flow throughout your body carrying oxygen to the muscles being used. 2. Iron is what forms many proteins and enzymes in the body for proper functioning and maintaining a healthy body. Iron is what binds with hemoglobin’s, which is a protein in red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.With all this in mind the body should feel fatigue after exercising. Working out in the morning has best results for daily function. Through the day you will wake up, resulting at the end of the day you will feel tired when it is time to sleep. Also since you have a much deeper sleep, the fallowing day you shall be more focused on what you need to be doing. A. Strength training is a very important aspect. And yes even for women. Ladies don’t worry it is impossible for you to build like a man without using steroids. As a beginner, first off, learn proper technique.Once you have taught the muscles how to properly support weight other than your own body, keep it light and keep it tight. This will help prevent injury from occurring. 1. Start with a single amount of repetitions. You don’t need to be like the body builder at the gym. Do a set 10-12, at the end of the last 2 or 3 you should be struggling. 2. Start slow and with the basics. Stick to squats, dead lifts, bench, pull-ups, sit-ups etc. till you have strengthened yourself. Last and most importantly, rest. The body needs rest and as well plenty of water.When working out the body breaks down muscle fibers leaving you sore sometimes the next day. Next (Khrys)The food and the physical activity we choose, will affect our health, and how we feel today, tomorrow, and hopefully in the future. Most of us here today might be eating enough food, but not all of us are eating the correct foods, therefore depriving our body of the vital nutrients we need to stay healthy. A great example of this is in a documentary called â€Å"Supersize Me†. This movie shows the affects of eating breakfast lunch and dinner at McDonalds for thirty consecutive days.Not Good. According to the Department of Health and Human Services the average American diet is too high in calories, sugars, fats, cholesterol, sodium, animal protein, and alcohol, and too low in complex carbs, dietary fiber, fruit’s, vegetables, and water. The key to feeling better today and healthier for tomorrow starts with a good eating plan that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low fat milk and milk products. Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. And is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars.There is also a correct number of calories you should eat each day, this number depends upon your age, activity level, and whether or not you’re trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight. You can calculate your number on www. healthierus. gov/dietaryguidlines. With healthier eating habits, you can reduce the risks of many chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain cancers, and increase your chances for a longer more enjoyable life. Thirdly (Corey)In a recent study by the associated press. out of 10 students say they endure stress often and 1 out of 5 students say they deal with it most or all of the time. So it affects us some how or another. Either you or your friends. If not dealt with in the right way stress can lead to more stress and can lead to more unhealthy choices. People we all have problems its how you deal with it that makes it stressful or just another problem. From helpguide. org I have ways to help reduce stress. First identify the sources of stress. Guys this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Some say start a stress journal.Second look at how you cope with the stress. There’s the unhealthy way of dealing with stress. Like smoking, drinking to much, overeating or under eating. Then learning how to deal with it the healthy way. Thirdly avoiding unnecessary stress if there someone who gives you stress how about spending less time with him or her. College can be stressful so you don’t need any extra stress. 4th if something can’t be change like having a child to deal with try altering the situation. Like expressing your feelings instead of bottling them up, being more assertive and being open and willing to compromise.If asking someone to change their behavior be willing to do the same. 5th adapt to the stressor if there something you cant changed like a boss. Then try to focus on the positive. Adjust your standards trying to do everything perfect is a set up for more stress. 6th Accept the things you can’t change. Some stress is just clearly unavoidable like deaths of a love one you cant change that. Sharing your feelings is huge. Learn to forgive bottling up emotions about what someone did to you or someone else does more harm then good.Its like the saying drinking poison and hoping the other guy dies. 7th Make time for fun and relaxation. There healthy ways to do this. Like going for a walk, spend time in nature, Call a good friend, reading a book, watch a comedy. Laughter is a cure people for stress. Lastly is adopt a healthy Lifestyle like exercise regularly, eating a healthy diet, Reduce caffeine and sugar, avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. And Lastly (Derek)Drugs (the effects of drugs on your body, more specifically, the most common drug in use.. . ) Caffeine Increases energy/concentrationCaffeine was put on rat neurons in vitro (suspended in water) and was found that dendrites would grow, and then retract when the neurons got used to the caffeine. Relieves indigestion, stress and hyperactive disorders May aggravate illnesses and disorders causing bone loss over time, temporary hardening of arterial walls (atherosclerosis) undue chemical stress on the brain [wikipedia] Causes low energy and apathy between uses, and of course is addictive, as well as carries the side effects of: anxiousness excitability restlessness dizziness rritability inability to concentrate gastrointestinal (GI) aches headaches that don’t seem to go away trouble sleeping weight gain higher risk for diabetes Alternatives Mate (to wean you off) contains a little over half the caffeine of coffee, but in a slightly different form, called mateine. has been shown to lessen the tendency towards obesity induced by a high-fat diet. LDL-cholesterol reduction (that’s the bad kind) Uses in treating heart disease contains antioxidants which are good for nearly everything B-vitamins (if you want to quit completely) nergy good for skin and and nucleic acid production (cell regeneration) We have the affects of drugs In conclusion we discussed four key aspects to finding a healthier you first we covered the physical aspect, Next we discussed the basic guide to eating healthier; Thirdly we explained how to cope with daily stress and Lastly we indulged in the effects drugs have on our well being. We hope you all gained something good from our speech, thank you for your time.Work Cited1) â€Å"1 in 5 undergrads is constantly stressed†msn. com[http://www. msnbc. sn. com/id/23693229] The associated press 2008 2) Smith Melinda, Jaffe-Gil Ellen, and Segal Robert â€Å"Stress Management how to reduce, prevent, and cope with stress† Help guide, October 2010. mental? stress_management_relief_coping. htm3) U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. gov4) U. S. Department of Agriculture. gov5) Health. gov/dietaryguidlines/dya2005/document/pdf/brochure. pdf6) Editor. â€Å"10 Reasons to Work Out That Have Nothing to Do With a Sexy Body. † PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement. Pick the Brain, Apr. -May 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. .7) â€Å"What Does Iron Do? † A 2 Z of Health and Beauty. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. .8) â€Å"Cardiovascular Disease Statistics† American Heart Association. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. Caffeine’s Effects on Health. (n. d. ). Go Ask Alice!. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from www. goaskalice. columbia. edu/1485. html Ellis-Christensen, T. , ; ed. O. Wallace (n. d. ). What are the Negative Effects of Caffeine?. WiseGEEK. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from www. tm Positive and Negative Effects of Caffeine. (n. d. ). HubPages. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from www. hubpages. com/hub/Positive-and-Negative-Effects-of-Caffeine Caffeine. (n. d. ). Wikipedia, the Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from en. wikipedia. org/wiki/caffeine Yerba Mate. (n. d. ). Wikipedia, the Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Yerba_mate B-Vitamins. (n. d. ). Wikipedia, the Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from en. wikipedia. org/wiki/B-vitamins How to cite Group Speech, Papers

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